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雀巢推行全球員工"生育保護政策"Nestlé launches Maternity Protection Policy for employees worldwide

2nd July 2015

雀巢推行全球員工"生育保護政策" (Maternity Protection Policy)

Nestlé launches Maternity Protection Policy for employees worldwide  
雀巢推行全球員工"生育保護政策"(Maternity Protection Policy)

瑞士雀巢總部針對全球員工啟動了"生育保護政策" (Maternity Protection Policy),預計將是領先同業的福利政策之一。此政策是依據《國際勞工組織生育保護公約》 ILO Maternity Protection Convention 擬定相關規定的最低標準,並要求於2018年在雀巢全球市場上全面實施。



雀巢集團執行副總裁和首席人力資源官Peter Vogt說:"這項政策將幫助我們有力地支持雀巢全球各地的母親及她們的家庭,同時加強我們對嬰兒生命最初六個月母乳哺育的全力支持。"

歡迎觀看保羅ˑ薄凱(Paul Bulcke)就雀巢全新"生育保護政策"接受《財富》雜誌專訪的影片,並進一步瞭解公司在加強人力性別平衡方面做出的承諾。

Nestlé has launched a global Maternity Protection Policy for its employees worldwide that is estimated to be one of the most progressive programmes of its kind in the industry.

The policy, which is based on the ILO Maternity Protection Convention, establishes minimum standards that must be implemented at Nestlé workplaces across the world by 2018.

The policy gives employees a minimum of 14 weeks paid maternity leave and the right to extend their maternity leave up to six months. This will be applicable to all primary caregivers of newborns, including male employees and adoptive parents.

It also includes employment protection, flexible working arrangements and guaranteed access to breastfeeding rooms during working hours in head offices and sites with more than 50 employees. Nestlé currently has more than 190 breastfeeding rooms across its global working facilities.

Peter Vogt, Deputy Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer for Nestlé S.A. said: "This policy will help us better support mothers and their families in our sites across the world and reinforces our support for exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of a child's life."

Watch Paul Bulcke's interview with Fortune Magazine, where he discusses Nestlé's new Maternity Protection Policy (pdf, 1Mb), and learn more about the company's commitment to enhance gender balance in its workforce