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Nestlé NAN INFINIPRO® 4 Formula Milk Powder for Working Moms

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Suitable from 36 months onward 

1+1 Synergistic Love & Protection for Babies 
Nestlé understands mothers’ devotion in giving their babies motherly nutrition, this has motivated us in bringing you the upgraded Nestlé® NAN ® INFINIPRO® formula!

Using more than 155 years of scientific research on infant nutrition and knowledge of mothers’ natural lactating secretion, the upgraded formula contains the 1st Synergistic Blend of 2 probiotics (B.I. + B.L.) and 6HMOs^ in Hong Kong to better support babies’ immunity and gut health. Combining with research-proven pHF-W and high-quality, good-quantity protein, we hope to best assist moms in the journey of preventing allergy and supporting healthy physical growth of babies, nourishing infinite possible of motherly love.

Synergistic Nutrition Providing More Enhanced Immune & Gut Protection 
Upgraded Nestlé® NAN® INFINIPRO® Formula is inspired by synergistic nutrition found within mother's natural lactation, in hope of providing a more enhanced protection of babies’ health. 

This synergistic effect can only be found in specific nutrient blend, and not achievable by simply consuming any HMOs or probiotics alone. Moms have to be vigilant in choosing the right synergistic blend, so as to better support babies’ immunity and gut health and nourishing infinite possible of motherly love.


∆Synergistic Blend refers to the combination of B. Infantis + B.Lactis probiotics and 6HMOs. Comparing with major Children Milk Powder that are sold in market as of January 2024.
^2‘FL、LNT、3’FL、6’SL、3’SL and DFL (Types of HMO, not sourced from breastmilk) Contain 81 mg per 100 mL of prepared formula.
*Release of serotonin by 1000 times when comparing to β-lactoglobulin as stated in vitro study.
# Comparing to babies aged 0-6 months old who only consume B.I. probiotics, babies who consume multi-HMOs and B.I. probiotics have 2 times more SCFAs.
+ Comparing babies aged 0-6 months old who consumed formula milk with B.L. probiotics with control group.

  1. Ho N, et al. Natute Communication. 2018. 9:4169.
  2. Chichlowski M, et al. Nutrients. 2020. 12(6).
  3. De Bruyn F, et al., 2023 ESPGHAN. 2023.
  4. Weizman Z, et al. Pediatrics. 2005. 115:5-9.
  5. Kwong-Chung C, et al. 2023 ESPGHAN. 2023.
  6. Bourdeau T, et al. Nutrients. 2021. 13(9):3011.

Breastmilk is the best.