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Review of the Second Nestlé for Healthier Kids Progra(2021-2024)

As the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company, Nestlé is committed to helping 50 million children lead healthier lives by 2030. Nestlé Hong Kong launched the first Nestlé for Healthier Kids Programme (“N4HK Programme”) in 2017-2020, aiming to support children to establish healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

In view of that the first N4HK Programme delivered a positive impact in Hong Kong, Nestlé Hong Kong has launched the second N4HK Programme since 2021, hoping to enhance the nutrition and health of more students.

The three-year school-based promotional activities under the programme have officially been launched since September 2021. Riding on the foundation of the first programme, Nestlé Hong Kong continued to join hands with the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to arrange various online and/or offline nutrition and health education activities for children, parents and teachers at participating schools, conduct health survey and carry out fitness test for children. The Center will also obtain a baseline of the programme by understanding the children's diet, exercise, static activities, sleep time, quality of life, and fitness tests, etc., and follow up on the effectiveness of the programme” later on. The number of primary schools participating in this “Programme” increased from 6 to 10, with the number of students participating increased from 500 to 800 in total.

Within the Programme, the activities organized for parents and students during the academic year 2021-2022 received positive feedback. For instance, the vast majority (98%) of parents who joined the online parent workshops agreed that the workshops enhanced their knowledge on further improving children's diet and had boosted their confidence in preparing healthy meals for their children. For another example, almost 90% of the Primary 4 students who joined the Healthy Breakfast Day reflected that they understand the importance of having breakfast. The activities for the academic year 2022-2023 are still going on to continue inspiring students to lead a healthier life.

Separately, in response to the survey results from the first programme that students in Hong Kong lacked sufficient exercise, the second programme partnered with Hong Kong Rope Skipping Club to organize a Fun Fun Campus Rope Skipping Programme during November and December 2021, aiming to encourage students to utilize simple equipment to maintain moderate amount of exercise in their daily life even during the pandemic while focusing on their studies and developing a balanced diet.

The Fun Fun Campus Rope Skipping Programme was consisted of two parts: school tours and online challenges. For the school tours, 10 campus visits to different primary schools were arranged, in which demonstration of rope skipping and guided experience for students to learn and understand the fun of rope skipping were included, further enhancing the students’ interest in exercising. For the online challenges, 3 videos were produced to invite all students in Hong Kong to learn some basic and fancy rope skipping techniques from world-class athletes, then participate in the challenges and win a small prize.

On the other hand, Nestlé Hong Kong also drives family interaction through different branded activities, such as the Bento Recipe Design Competition co-organized by PAK FOOK® and the “Happy Yoghurt Factory” campaign presented by NESTLÉ® DAIRY FARM™ Yoghurt, which encouraged families to build a nutritious lifestyle together.

The second N4HK Programme will be implemented for 3 years till 2024. Nestlé Hong Kong will continue to actively promote nutrition and health, as well as becoming become a good partner for parents and schools in nurturing healthy children.
