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Review of Nestlé for Healthier Kids Programme(2017-2020)

As the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company, Nestlé is committed to helping 50 million children lead healthier lives by 2030. Among the relevant initiatives, Nestlé launched the global initiative, Nestlé for Healthier Kids Programme (“N4HK Programme”), in 2019 and gradually implemented it in various markets, aiming to bring together all our efforts to support parents and caregivers to raise healthier kids and to inspire children aged 3 to 12 to establish healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

Nestlé Hong Kong has joined forces with the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion (“the Centre”) of the Chinese University of Hog Kong since 2017 to launch the first 3-year N4HK Programme in 6 primary schools in Hong Kong, benefiting over 500 students.

During the programme period, the Centre collaborated with participating schools to organize 30 education activities for students as well as their parents and teachers across the critical growth period of the participating students when they were in primary 4 to 6. The Centre also conducted annual health survey and fitness test for the students to gather baseline, interim and final data for reference and follow-up for the effectiveness of the Programme.

Concluding the programme in 2017-2020, Nestlé Hong Kong and the Centre were delighted to observe a significant improvement in the students’ dietary and health habits. For example, in the aspect for consumption of vegetables and fruits, the survey results showed that the number of students who could daily consume a sufficient level of vegetables and fruits as recommended by the Department of Health significantly increased in the second year of the Programme that 47.2% students consumed at least two portions of vegetables and 71.3% of them consumed at least two portions of fruits. This reflected the effectiveness of various school-based education activities themed with healthy eating in enhancing students’ health.

In view of that the first N4HK Programme delivered a positive impact in Hong Kong, Nestlé Hong Kong and the Centre announced a further partnership on the second N4HK Programme in 2021-2024, expecting to enhance the nutrition and health of more students.
