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Upgraded Nestlé NANCARE Vitamin D & DHA Drops

POWER-UP Your Breastfeeding Journey with the Upgraded Formula​

With 155 years of scientific research experience and leadership in infant nutrition aspect, we proudly present to you the upgraded Nestlé® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops that supports breastfeeding moms to give the best to their babies!

The upgraded formula contains Double Ds Nutri-Blend++, in addition to support baby's vitamin D intake, DHA content is increased to power-up your breastfeeding journey so that mom could help baby to fulfill 100% daily vitamin D and DHA needs with ease**.


Breastfed Babies Should Pay Attention to Vitamin D Absorption ​

Breastmilk provides the best nutrition for babies. Among the many nutrients, vitamin D is a fundamental nutrient in supporting babies’ bone growth and immunity1,2. Moms should pay attention to the vitamin D intake of their babies (especially breastfed babies), because: ​

  • According to the Department of Health, babies do not get much vitamin D from breastmilk in particular when their mothers have low vitamin D levels1,5,6
  • Studies have shown that breastmilk only meets about 5% of the daily vitamin D requirement of babies from 0-12 months on average7^^ ​
  • Study also shows that the risk of vitamin D deficiency in breastfed or mixed-fed babies is as high as 40 times8## ​



Babies Need 400 IU Vitamin D Daily ​

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding and mixed-feeding babies to be supplemented with 400 IU of vitamin D10 ■a day. NESTLÉ® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops help fulfill 100% of baby's daily vitamin D needs. ​


DHA Content in Breastmilk Will Fluctuate Based On Mother’s Diet12  Babies Might Need Additional Supplement​

Early development of babies is an important stage of brain and vision development. A daily intake of 100 mg of DHA13 for babies aged 0-2 supports the normal development of babies’ vision and brain3,4. The upgraded NESTLÉ® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops contains DHA sourced from algae oil that helps to meet 100% of the baby's daily DHA needs#



Upgraded NESTLÉ® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops help fulfill 100% of baby’s Vitamin D and DHA daily needs easily when compared to other similar products in market.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How to store Nestlé® NANCARE® properly?
A: Store at room temperature (max 25°) in a dry, cool place. Avoid exposure to heat sources, direct sunlight or contact with water.

Q: Which types of children are suitable to take Nestlé® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops?
A: It is suitable for babies since birth, especially for babies who are exclusively breastfed, mix-fed or formula fed babies with Vitamin D deficiency. Should you have any enquiries on dosage instructions, please consult healthcare professionals.

Q: Where could I purchase Nestlé® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops?
A: Please clearn more about the list of retailers with Nestlé® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops listed:

For more product information, please consult our nutritionist through our hotline 21798333 (HK) or 0800663 (Macau).

#4 drops twice a day to fulfill Vitamin D and DHA daily intake requirement of babies aged 0-12 months. Vitamin D and DHA daily intake requirement are based on NIH and EFSA suggested DIR.
++Double Ds Nutri blend includes vitamin D and DHA. Vitamin D supports the healthy development of bones and teeth, and immunity; DHA helps the development of the brain and visual.
^^Based on 1 L of breastmilk, research result is based on Malaysian moms.
## Comparing to infant-formula-fed babies.
+ +Other nutrients composition of the food being compared to Nestlé® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops are not included in this comparison.
■In order to avoid vitamin D deficiency, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that from birth, infants or children who are exclusively breastfed and mix-fed should be supplemented with 400 IU of vitamin D per day until they can consume at least 1L of vitamin D-fortified infant milk formula or cow milk10.
  1. FHS (HK). (2020). Child Health- Parent information: vitamin D. Retrieved from (Accessed on 25 Jan 2020)
  2. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. (2014). EFSA Journal, 12(2), 3579.
  3. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. (2014). EFSA Journal, 12(10), 3840.
  4. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. (2009). EFSA Journal, 941, 1-14.
  5. Chan, K.C.C., et al. (2018). HK Med J, 24(Supp3), S32-35.
  6. Chang, S.W. & Lee, H.C. (2019). Pediatrics and Neonatology, 60, 237-244.
  7. Jan Mohamed, H. J., et al. (2014). PloS one, 9(7), e100705.
  8. Tung, K.T.S., et al. (2021). Nutrients, 13, 1068.
  9. Braegger, C., et al. & ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition, (2013). Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 56(6), 692–701.
  10. Wagner, C.L., & Greer, F.R. (2008). Pediatrics, 122(5), 1142-1152.
  11. NIH, US (Updated 2020 Oct). Vitamin D- fact sheet for health professionals. Retrieved from:
  12. Forsyth, S., et al. (2016). Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism,69, 64-74.
  13. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies. (2013). EFSA Journal, 11(10), 3408.
  14. Kuratko, C.N., et al. (2013). Nutrients, 5(7), 2777-2810
  15. Brémond Gignac, D., et al. (2011). Current Opinion Ophthalmology, 22(Suppl), S1-8.
  16. FSANZ. (2021). Australian Food Composition Database-Release 1.0, F0007432.
    Retrieved from:

NESTLÉ® NANCARE® DHA & Vitamin D Drops is Food for special medical purpose. For the dietary management of breastfeeding babies or babies consuming infant milk formula with sub-optimal level of vitamin D.