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Pak Fook® Beancurd Dessert: A Natural and Healthy Choice


More about PAK FOOK® Soyabean products


What are PAK FOOK® Soyabean products made from?

All PAK FOOK® Beancurds, Soya Milk and Beancurd Desserts are 100% made from the 1st Extract of Grade No.1 Non-GMO soyabeans. All offer with great tastes coupled with nutritious goodness.
Products have no added preservative, which keep the original soyabean taste.

What does "1st Extract" mean?
Soyabeans only go through ONE TIME of extraction without repeated usage. This is to retain the high quality soya protein with a richer soyabean taste.
What is the advantage for high quality soya protein?

It helps body tissue growth and self-recovery.

Tips for hot serve
  1. Rip a corner of plastic cover apart
  2. Heat the beancurd dessert up in microwave oven (not higher than 800W) for 80 seconds (1 minute and 20 seconds)
  3. Remove the plastic cover and enjoy

Pay attention to high temperature of heated beancurd dessert. Please hold it carefully and do not allow children to touch. Please consume the heated product as soon as possible and do not keep it in the original packaging or other containers.



PAK FOOK® Low Sugar Beancurd Dessert

  • 229 mL
  • Low sugar formula, brings you a delight dessert enjoyment

PAK FOOK® Plain Beancurd Dessert

  • 229 mL / 350 mL
  • Rich soya taste with strong bean aroma

PAK FOOK® Rich Ginger Flavour Beancurd Dessert

  • 229 mL
  • Stronger special ginger flavor with traditional dessert style

PAK FOOK® Almond Flavour
Beancurd Dessert

  • 229 mL
  • Strong almond flavour accompanied by rich soya aroma, unforgettable 
>> PAK FOOK® Beancurd
>> PAK FOOK® Soya Milk