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Nestlé® NAN INFINIPRO® Formula Milk Powder


Using more than 155 years of scientific research on infant nutrition and knowledge of mothers’ natural lactating secretion, the upgraded formula contains the 1st Synergistic Blend of 2 probiotics (B.I. + B.L.) and 6HMOs^ in Hong Kong to better support babies’ immunity and gut health. Combining with research-proven pHF-W and high-quality, good-quantity protein, we hope to best assist moms in the journey of preventing allergy and supporting healthy physical growth of babies, nourishing infinite possible of motherly love. 

Read more about NESTLÉ® NAN® INFINIPRO® 4 Children Milk Powder 
Read more about NESTLÉ® NAN® INFINIPRO® 3 Growing Up Formula Powder 
Read more about NESTLÉ® NAN® INFINIPRO® 2 Follow Up Formula Powder

∆Synergistic Blend refers to the combination of B. Infantis + B.Lactis probiotics and 6HMOs. Comparing with major Children Milk Powder that are sold in market as of January 2024. 
°NESTLÉ®NAN®INFINIPRO®Formula contains 100% partially hydrolyzed whey protein that is the same with the BEBA®HA Formula. 
^2‘FL、LNT、3’FL、6’SL、3’SL and DFL (Types of HMO, not sourced from breastmilk) Contain 81 mg per 100 mL of prepared formula. 
1.Gappa M, et al. Allergy. 2021. 76(6):1903–907.

∆營養協同組合指配方中的B. Infantis + B. Lactis 雙活性益菌及6HMOs組合。根據雀巢截至2024年1月香港市場資料,以市面上主要銷售的兒童成長配方奶粉標籤作比較。
°NESTLÉ®NAN®INFINIPRO®配方含與GINI研究中的BEBA® HA相同的100%乳清部分水解蛋白。
^ 2’FL、LNT、3’FL、6’SL、3’SL和DFL (屬於HMO 類別,非源自母乳) 每100毫升雀巢®能恩全護®INFINIPRO®4號沖調液含81毫克。
1.Gappa M, et al. Allergy. 2021. 76(6):1903–907.